Ep 215: This is how you think your way to massive success

Season #2 Episode #215

Are you tired of working hard for results that are lacklustre? Are you ready to elevate your success and begin manifesting that vision board into your reality, now? 

 In this episode your host Laura Tynan breaks down how it is that 'your thoughts create your reality' and how YOU can use this universal principle to achieve even more success in your life and business. 

The idea that our thoughts create our reality, is not new. However, it has been so generalised through over shared IG posts and Pinterest boards; that the power of this truth has been lost. 

There is a lot of discussion around manifestation but very few get into the specific details of how it really works. The basis of manifestation and the springboard of creation is thought. So, this is where we will begin.

This is the first episode in a series of discussions around manifestation so be sure to check back in next week as we continue to delve into this exciting topic!

We love to hear your feedback and would really appreciate if you leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or screenshot this episode and tag us on IG @iamalauratynan.

Show notes:

  • 1.25 The idea that our thoughts create our reality
  • 2.26 Our thoughts are really powerful things
  • 4.00 There is another way for us to succeed
  • 4.32 My learnings from Bob Proctor that changed my life
  • 5.57 The power of thought
  • 7.18 The poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley
  • 8.20 Why you are the master of your own destiny
  • 10.15 Why is it important to bring focus and purpose to our thinking
  • 12.12 Your thoughts are creating your reality
  • 20.22 Today's take away: The awareness of the power of your thoughts
  • 20.45 The mind isn't biased, it will give you the results that you have been planting
  • 23.32 Recap: we alone have the power to create our thoughts a reality
  • 24.15 What I invite you to experiment
  • 28.28 The poem Thoughts Are Things by Henry Van Dyke
  • 29.50 Resources that I want to share

Shareable Quotes:

  • "The work begins in our mind, in our mindset with our thoughts."
  • "Your mind is unlimited and your thought capacity is completely infinite which is to say that you truly are capable of achieving and creating anything that you truly desire in your life." 
  • "Your thoughts are creating your reality."
  • "If you think successful thoughts, you will attract success, equally you can think thoughts of failure and poverty and attract more of those circumstances into your life."
  • "Beliefs really are just repeated thoughts that we believe to be true."
  • "Whatever your goal is,i f that's the goal but the thinking behind the goal is doubt, fear, lack, poverty, scarcity, then you can see why your goals may not be happening."
  • "Just like a fertile piece of soil, our mind does not care whether we are planting flowers or weeds, but it's up to us. But either way, it is going to give us the production and results of what we planted."
  • "We can not stop our thinking, but we can direct it."
  • "Our thoughts are constantly visible by how we are turning up in life, by the results we are producing."

xo Laura

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