Ep 226: The 6 Key Steps to Create Long Lasting Change

Season #2 Episode #226

Ep 226 The 6 steps to create long lasting change in your life & business with Laura Tynan

Listen in as I share a unique methodology that will support you in creating long lasting change in any area of your life and business.
With 2022 just around the corner, now is the time to begin preparing for your best year yet and this episode of the podcast, Make Millions to Impact Millions, will help you do just that.

Your special invitation to the Message for Millions Academy. 

Learn more about this Academy & join us here: lauratynan.com/message-for-millions

If you have questions you need answering, contact our amazing team here who will be more than happy to help you. Email: [email protected]

If you'd like to speak with me about joining this Academy, then you can book in your call here: 

Note: The investment in this program is increasing significantly in 2022. Join us now to avail of the 2021 investment.

Time Stamps
3.25: How most people approach change - bottom up - and why this is ruining your chances of being successful
5.00: The correct first step to take towards successful change
6.30: The second step towards effective change
6.50: It's not who we are that holds us back, it's who we think we're not
8.00: The missing element that MOST business courses miss out on teaching
9.10: Do you believe you can create this change? Let's uncover the truth.
11.00: Never let the illusion of time stop you from taking action today
12.20: Are your behaviours aligned for your success?
12.55: The final step to your success
13.40: Review & recap
14.00: The Upside Down + Inside Out technique
*15.20: A special invitation to female, purpose led entrepreneurs.

Top quotes

Change requires discomfort. It is meant to be challenging. If it wasn't then you would already be doing it.

The version you want to become already exists. There's no pressure. From this place of ease, ask yourself, how can you become more like her today?

It's so important that you know what your beliefs are - not just what they are currently - but also what they need to become to align with the version of you YOU want to become. 

xo Laura

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